If you’re new to SodaStreams or just thinking about getting one, you may be wondering where can I get SodaStream canister refills? A completely new canister for SodaStream costs $30. Now, I wouldn’t be saving nearly as much money with my SodaStream if I had to pay $30 every time I needed more CO2! Luckily, if you swap in your canister, the new price is just $15. (You get a…
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2 Great Ways You Can Skip the Bottle & Make Your Own Soda
Sipping on those flavored seltzer waters is a refreshing experience. I know I’m not the only one who prefers a bubblier experience when hydrating. Flavored soda waters have been becoming more and more popular as people choose to skip sugary sodas. Unfortunately, drinking soda water presents a couple of problems. For one, it’s pricier than still water and has gotten even more expensive over the last decade. On top of…
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